Tailor-Made Support.

Working Hand in Hand with

Feed Manufacturers and Premixers

With more than 28 years’ expertise and a forward-looking vision of Better-Being in livestock farming, Phodé Animal Care is positioned as a partner of choice to support its customers with excellent service so as to guarantee the efficacy and success of the solutions proposed. Backed by the Phodé Group, our R&D department also develops tailor-made solutions.

Research and curiosity, technology and development, expertise and passion: these are the key elements that drive our teams every day

Our Services

We're here to help you get your projects off the ground!

Research & Development

Phodé relies on research programmes and experimental systems to provide its customers with differentiating solutions, performance, profitability and safety. We work with a number of leading international partners, both public and academic.

Technical Support

With experts dedicated to each species, our team will support you in choosing and implementing our solutions. Whatever your production system or specific requirements, we’re here to help you succeed.

Support Programmes

Would you like to set up a specific support programme for a particular livestock farming issue? Let’s look into it together!

  • Vaccination Period
  • Peripartum Period
  • Heat Stress


Feed formulas can be optimised by incorporating our products. Let’s look into it together!
Need a tailor-made formulation?
Go ahead and get in touch.

Industrial Support

The industrial plant is an essential link in the chain between feed development and the animal. Industrial constraints can be a challenge but should not prevent you from using certain compounds or solutions. Our team can help you with this.

Analytical and Sensory Laboratory

Our in-house laboratory enables us to carry out analyses on our active ingredients, raw materials and finished products. Boasting high-performance analytical equipment and experienced teams, we offer analyses such as stability and ageing tests, as well as sensory tests

Unique Expertise

At Phodé we believe that nature and science are the keys to enabling the livestock sectors to meet the challenge of feeding the planet sustainably. We began building up our expertise over 28 years ago with the mastery of aromatic molecules. Our scientific journey, guided by the concept of Better-Being and by our passion for the living world, has led us to explore scientific and technical fields that have enabled us to offer sensory and bio-innovative solutions adapted to the main challenges of livestock production.

Our Key Areas of Expertise

Natural Active Ingredients

Nature offers us an infinite reservoir of possibilities. That’s why we carefully select all of our active ingredients and raw materials.

  • Selection and sourcing of active ingredients by our R&D department and buyers
  • In-depth knowledge of the molecular profiles of our active ingredients
  • Mastery of synergistic combinations of active ingredients


To optimise the efficacy of our active ingredients and meet the expectations of animal feed manufacturers, we have developed specific galenic technologies depending on the active ingredients, the product target and the feed matrix.
  • Crystal impregnation: capture of aromatic molecules on a substrate for protection and homogeneous diffusion of the olfactory fraction
  • IPS – irregularly structured powder designed to ensure homogeneous mixing within the feed
  • Vectorisation: unique active ingredient protection technology for targeted release and optimised efficacy


Phodé has been carrying out applied research for over 28 years. Our specialist researchers in neuroscience and microbiology draw on the knowledge of our experts in zootechnics, ethology and nutrition to design solutions that will be tested and proven using cutting-edge methods, in particular with our research partners.

  • R&D Investment Pillar
  • International Research Partnerships
  • Regular Scientific Publications

Industrial Technologies and Processes

From concept to manufacture, we control every stage in the development of our products. Our production facility has been developed with flexibility and agility in mind.
  • 100% of our products are made in France
  • Pilot tests to validate factory production
  • FAMI QS and ISO 22 000 certified site
  • Customer satisfaction is at the heart of our commitment to quality

Come and meet us,

And let's start a project together

The expertise of our R&D team guarantees the kind of support and results that only an expert partner with a solid scientific background can provide. As an independent company, Phodé is committed to innovation and customer satisfaction through long-term partnerships.

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