
Olfactory and functional solutions

For fish well-being and performance.


the challenges of fish production

Fish farming counts many different ways of producing according to the species and type of production, like salmons, trout, tilapia, and many more. The demand in fish is growing and fish farming needs sustainable solutions to overcome its everyday challenges, such as improving the animals’ feeding, their natural defences, water quality, and also the animals’ well-being during the whole production.

Salmonids are among the highest-value species in aquaculture and most notorious farmed aquatic animals for consumers. With a long production cycle (1 to 2.5 years), specific physiological needs and complex systems (freshwater and marine farming), salmonid production faces an important number of challenges to be dealt efficiently with, like acute stress during transportation or risks related to bacteria and parasites around the world.

Trout are one of the first farmed aquatic species and freshwater trout farming has expended itself around the globe in every continent. Trout as carnivorous animals are facing demand of sustainable and cost-effective feeding.

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The key challenges in fish production :

Feed quality and shelf life

Antioxidants are a must-have to avoid oxidation of feed throughout storage. Why not use a natural one, that will on top protect your pigment?

Fillet quality and antioxidant status

A good quality of fish fillet partly depends on a strong antioxidant status of the fish during its production cycle. Discover our natural solution

Challenging environment

Pathogens and diseases are a big issue in fish farming and the antimicrobial resistance to antiobiotics increases. A botanical synergistic blend to reduce the risks associated to bacteria and parasites? It is possible!

The key challenges in fish production :

Consequences of handling in fish

Transfer, transport, vaccination, treatments… Essential management practices generate acute stress on the animals and high oxygen consumption, impacting feed intake and productivity of the farms. Sensory actives of natural origin can improve the adaptation of animals, a smooth way to reduce losses during stressful situations!

Our fishp solutions

Our solutions are adapted to the different physiological stages of fish: fingerling, juveniles and adults.    

Olpheel Anti-Ox

Antioxidant from natural origin

Olpheel Zen

Optimal consumption of feed

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