
Better value nutrients

Oleobiotec is a range of sensory products based on exclusive synergies between essential oils and spice extracts (oregano, thyme, cinnamon, ginger, pepper, etc.).

Why use Oleobiotec?

Feed intake efficiency is one of the main factors that determine the overall efficiency in livestock farming. Oleobiotec helps to improve feed efficiency. 
Each animal is host to a powerful microbiota. The Oleobiotec range is designed to support the microbiota, keeping it regulated and thus promoting “better-being” through the gut microbiota-brain axis. 
Essential oils are sensory active ingredients that are perceived through the olfactory and gustatory senses, in direct link with the brain (palatability). In addition, essential oils, such as thyme or oregano, are known to play a role in the microbiota, promoting balance and diversity (Allaoua et al. 2018; Allaoua et al. 2022). Spices, on the other hand, stimulate proper digestive functioning such as gastric motility and the release of digestive enzymes.

The type of ration, the climate, stressful situations, competition at the trough, etc. can influence feeding behaviour. Decreased intake, chewing or rumination can reduce saliva production and ruminal pH. Spices and olfactory active substances are valuable ingredients for naturally balancing saliva production and quality. 

Oleobiotec for which species ?


In addition to a changing and immature digestive system, the first weeks of life for young ruminants are characterised by many stressful factors: feeding transitions, grouping, housing changes. In addition to paying special attention to the management of this category of animals, providing them with digestive support and well-being promotes their development and growth.

What are the benefits of Oleobiotec ?

  • Digestive support for a good start with new feed
  • Resilience to factors that could cause imbalance in the gut microbiota
  • Animal well-being

Dairy cows

Good milk production requires proper nutrition. On modern farms, ingredient quality and nutrient density have been adapted to the nutritional needs of dairy cows, which have become “true athletes”. At a time when raw material costs are high, it is necessary to optimise the value of the nutrients provided in your animals’ rations, for reasons of health, well-being and productivity.

What are the benefits of Oleobiotec?

  • Feed efficiency for the performance and profitability of dairy farms
  • Response to environmental challenges for the sustainability of dairy farming
  • Animal well-being

Beef Cattle

Fattening rations for cattle are rich in starches, whose ruminal fermentation can lead to metabolic disorders and loss of ration value. One solution is to increase the proportion of bypass starch for greater feed security and energy efficiency.

What are the benefits of oleobiotec ruminant ?

  • Feed efficiency for growth performance
  • Response to environmental challenges for the sustainability of cattle farming
  • Animal well-being

Pullets and laying hens

Egg production has a long production cycle. The first stage of layers’ growth is crucial for a good laying start later on. After that, the entire laying period is critical and the better use the layer makes of the feed, the better the animal’s well-being and productivity will be. Feed efficiency and the balance of the microbiota throughout the production cycle are therefore essential, both for the animal and for the farmer.

What are the benefits of Oleobiotec ?

  • 2.8% increase in feed efficiency
  • Better egg quality: reduction of downgraded eggs (-20 to -30%)


Broiler poultry farming is very much driven by production costs. Feed efficiency is the main indicator observed. Oleobiotec poultry exploits the gut microbiota-brain axis to greatly improve feed efficiency and thus contribute to lowering production costs and increasing the value of broiler products.

What are the benefits of Oleobiotec ?

  • 2.8% increase in feed efficiency

What forms does oleobiotec come in?

Oleobiotec is available as a powder to be incorporated into feed or as a liquid to be administered in drinking water. 

POWDER : Bag of 25kg 
LIQUID : 1L – 5L – 25L  

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