Terms & Conditions

Data controler, owner responsible for this website www.phode.com :

Laboratoires Phodé
ZI Albipôle – 81150 Terssac (France)
T. +33-(0)5 63 77 80 60

SAS au capital de 1 465 490 €
Registered on the RCS of Albi under number 503 972 598
Publication director : M. Damien GUILLOBEZ



SAS au capital de 10 069 020 €
Registered on the RCS of Lille Métropole under number 424 761 419

APE Code 2620Z

Tax number : FR 22 424 761 419
Headquarter address : 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix (France)



The term « personal data » refers to information that identifies you, such as your full name, date of birth, email address and/or postal address.

During your browsing on the PHODÉ website (hereinafter the « Website ») you are likely to communication personal data concernin yourself by suscribing to a newsletter, filling in a contact orm, creating or accessing a personal space, etc.


The main purpose of the collection of personal data mentioned above is to enable PHODÉ to provide you with an access to the information and services for which you have suscribed, to manage your personal space, or to send your commercial information from PHODÉ and/or its commercial partners, subject to your prior authorisation.

PHODÉ is the recipient of the personal data collected as well as (where applicable), its service providers who account on its behalf in the implementation of the Website and the services used by users.

PHODÉ retains your data for one (1) year, in particular for reporting or documentation purposes, in accordance with legal and ethical requirements regarding storage periods.

In accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, you may exercise your right to access and correct your personal data by contacting us at the following email address: dpo@phode.fr



PHODÉ undertakes to respect the confidentiality and security of the personal data it holds and not to make such data accessible to third parties, except in the cases provided for herein.

PHODÉ also undertakes to make its best efforts to implement appropriate technical security and organisational measures to protect personal data in accordance with these terms of use and the legal provisions in force.



In accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, you have the right to access, rectify and delete your personal data, as well as the right to restrict processing where applicable.  Conformément à la Loi informatique et libertés n° 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978, vous disposez d’un droit d’accès, de rectification et de suppression de vos données personnelles, ainsi qu’un droit à la limitation du traitement dans la mesure de son applicabilité. Furthemore, you may also (subject to legitimate reasons) object to the processing of some of your personal data.

If you wish to exercise one of these rights, PHODÉ undertakes to respond within one (1) month of receipt of the complaint via the following email address: dpo@phode.fr .

After the aforementioned period, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Officer,



TRANSFER OF PERSONAL DATA ABROAD (outside european union) :

If the level of protection of personal data in a foreign country does not comply with recognised international standards, we will ensure that data transmissions to data banks in the said country are adequately protected and that data is not transmitted to third parties without your express prior consent.



This legal notice shall be governed and construed in accordance with French law. The French courts shall have jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising from non-compliance with these terms and conditions.


GeNeRAL provisions :

These provisions constitute all the legal notices applicable to this Website, whose registered office is located at Zone Industrielle Albipôle, Avenue de La Martelle, 81150 Terssac, France.

By accessing the Website and/or consulting the information provided on it, you agree to be bound by the provisions set out below.



This Website has been created to provide you with information about PHODÉ, such as its organisation, research, products, geographical locations and/or communications.

All the information provided on this Website should not be considered as a substitute for any form of advice. For further information on how to use the products and/or the information mentioned, please contact us. 

Otherwise, PHODÉ cannot be held responsible for the use you may make of the products and/or the interpretation of the information mentioned on the Website.

PHODÉ endeavours to provide accurate, complete and up-to-date information, obtained from information and/or sources considered to be reliable. However, PHODÉ cannot guarantee the accuracy, updating and/or exhaustiveness of all said information.

The Website has been designed by PHODÉ in accordance with the legal provisions applicable on the territory of the European Union. However, no guarantee can be given that the information mentioned on the Website is appropriate for use in other countries outside the European Union. You are responsible for complying with the local laws applicable to the country in which you consult the Site.

PHODÉ cannot guarantee the permanent, error-free or uninterrupted operation of the Website. Use of the Website may be hindered by other users who may endanger and/or compromise its proper operation and/or affect the information mentioned. 



Due to non-harmonised regulations, certains claims and mentions attached to products marketed by PHODÉ may not be applicable to certain geographical areas due to the laws and regulations in force in said areas.

The availability of products marketed by PHODÉ is not guaranteed in all geographical areas, please contact us for more information.



All information mentioned on the Website is subject to confidentiality. this information concerns notably all products, photographs, explanatory notes and any other data referring to PHODÉ’s products and know-how.. 

All logos, graphics and text available on the Website, as well as all product names or trademarks mentioned, are the exclusive property of PHODÉ and/or its subsidiaries.

PHODÉ holds all rights (including copyrights, trademarks, patents, as well as any other intellectual property right) with respect to all information mentioned on the Website.

You may download, save and/or print the information available on the Site for exclusively private and non-commercial use without modifying it in any way whatsoever. Whenever you download, save or print this information, you must ensure that each copy bears the following mention : « This document comes from the PHODÉ’s website (https://www.phode.com) – All rights reserve ».

Any other use is prohibited without the prior written consent of PHODÉ.


The content of messages sent by email to PHODÉ is not secure. Users are advised not to send confidential information via this means of communication.

If you fail to comply with the above recommendation, you accept the risk that your messages may be intercepted, misused and/or diverted by third parties.



PHODÉ may not be held liable for damages resulting directly or indirectly, and of any nature whatsoever, from browsing on the Website or from the accuracy of the information available on the Website (including financial losses, loss of profits or violation of brand image); direct or indirect damage resulting from any defects, viruses or other malfunctions caused to any hardware and/or software in connection with access to or use of the Website, interception, partial operation or unavailability of the Website, misuse, loss of data, downloading or use of any software made available through the Website, or claims by third parties in connection with the use of the Website, even if PHODÉ has been informed of the possibility of such damage.

The exclusion of liability also applies to PHODÉ’s management bodies and employees.


PHODÉ cannot be held responsible for the hypertext links (mentioned for information purposes only) present on the Website, so that you are solely responsible for referring to the Website via the hypertext linksPHODÉ does not guarantee the content, use or availability of the products and/or services provided by these hypertext links.



PHODÉ reserves the right to modify the information provided on the Website, including the legal notices, at any time and without prior notice.

It is recommended that you read the information provided on the Website, including these provisions, in order to inform yourself of any changes and/or modifications that may be made by PHODÉ.

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GDPR: Para examinar su solicitud, procesamos sus datos personales. Para obtener más información, consulte nuestra política de privacidad.