
Olfactory and functional solutions

For shrimp well-being and performance.


the challenges of shrimp production

Marine shrimp are the group of species with the highest value among top produced aquaculture species in the world. This is due to high technology and investments from the industry and research, as these animals have a complex feed behaviour and specific physiologic needs.  Production systems differ around the globe, from semi-extensive to intensive systems, with different challenges in every single farm.

Shrimp farming is an activity that requires good welfare management, as shrimp are fragile animals with weak and non-adaptive natural defences. Shrimp are also exposed to a wide range of risks from bacteria and parasites in the water throughout their production cycle. Shrimp also encounter various stressors, such as transfer, high density, environmental changes… that impact their natural defences and behaviour.

Promoting feed consumption and feed palatability, managing the various stressors, and supporting their natural defences are essential for shrimp well-being and performance.

To answer your everyday challenges, Phodé accompanies you with innovative sensory solutions dedicated to shrimp production: a successful combo well-being and performance in various farming conditions for an efficient production.

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Key challenges in shrimp production :

Feed attractivity and palatability

Feed composition changes, regulation evolves, shrimp are challenged every day, so many reasons that impact feed intake on farms. Improve feed attractivity and stimulate shrimp appetite for a better and regular consumption of your feed.

Feed quality and shelf life

Antioxidants are a must-have to avoid oxidation of feed throughout storage. Why not use a natural one, that will on top protect your pigment?


Shrimp are prone to a lot of diseases, they have no adaptative immunity and the antimicrobial resistance to antiobiotics increases. A botanical synergistic blend to reduce the risks associated to bacteria and parasites, designed specifically to fit to feed manufacturing constraints? It is possible!

Key challenges in shrimp production :

Feed intake

Feed intake is easily reduced by external factors, like hierarchy, cold temperature, and internal factors like individual genotypes. Improving shrimp feed behaviour is a first step easy to implement for a better gowth.


With no adaptative immunity, shrimp can be strongly affected by diseases. What about a botanical synergistic blend specially adapted to an incorporation directly on farms, to reduce the risks associated to bacteria and parasites?

Productivity and biomass

Density, temperature, stress… So many factors impact the productivity of the farm. For higher biomass and productivity, it is important to have a homogeneous feed intake within the pond.

Our shrimp solutions

Our solutions are adapted to the different physiological stages of shrimp: larvae, juveniles and adults.  

Olpheel Anti-Ox

Antioxidant from natural origin

Olpheel Eat

Optimal consumption of feed

Olpheel Good

Stimulation of eating behaviour.

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